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Staj İlanları

BNP PARİBAS CARDİF SİGORTA A.Ş. Staj – Legal Intern (Long Term)

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Your Main Responsibilities

  • Drafting and reviewing contracts,
  • Drafting and reviewing corporate documents (PoAs, general assembly minutes, BoD resolutions, internal directives and signature circulars),
  • Conducting legal research,
  • Following up new regulations and informing the team,
  • Preparing and reviewing petitions and other legal documents,
  • Translating of legal documents in both Turkish and English,
  • Archive all documents (contracts, legal documents, correspondence etc.) in the system and make filings,
  • Check that the supporting documents for contracts (e.g. signature circular etc.) are duly in placeFollow up of legal department invoices,
  • Ensure coordination with internal customersIssuing and archiving proxies,
  • Follow up of all processes with the notary public and courts,
  • Coordinate all legal correspondences with concerned external parties (Trade Registry, courts etc.),
  • Preparing the documentation for the general assemblies.

Qualities We Are Looking For

  • 3 rd / 4th year students or bachelor’s degree in law with a strong academic record from a reputable university,
  • Excellent command of written and spoken English (Min. IELTS:7 or TOEFL:100 score must be provided),
  • French is an asset,Strong research skills,Strong working knowledge of MS Office applications,
  • Ability to learn new concepts quickly,
  • Ability to work with strict deadlines, prioritize tasks and manage time effectively,
  • Ability to work in a dynamic office environment and within flexible working hours.

Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/bnp-paribas-cardif-sigorta-a-s-legal-intern-long-term-3321244


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