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Staj İlanları

BOSCH TERMOTEKNİK SAN.TİC.A.Ş. Staj – Design Smart Start

Kariyer Image


Job Description

Students enrolled in University Engineering departments can work minimum three days per week in our Manisa Plant.
We are currently offering an opportunity for a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual to join us in starting something remarkable as a Design Smart Start.

Your contribution to something big:

  • 3D model & 2D Drawing preparation
  • Support sample building activities during the TTM projects
  • Support PE activities such as FAM, FMEA and DRBFM
  • Preparation of the new part matrix and BOMs
  • Support the release of A, B and C-sample Design report
  • Support R&D Center activities; innovation paper, article etc.


What distinguishes you:

  • 3rd or 4th year Bachelor or Master student of Mechanical Engineering, Energy Systems Engineering, Aerospace and Aeronautical Engineering
  • Being a student for min. 11 months continuously,
  • Able to work for 3 working days in Manisa Plant (5 days preferrable)
  • Advanced level of English,
  • High motivation to work in R&D department.
  • Advanced MS Office knowledge.


Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/bosch-termoteknik-san-tic-a-s-design-smart-start-3390873


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