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Staj İlanları

BSH Turkey Staj – Consumer Centricity Project Student

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Your Responsibilities

You think it is time for something different? Then you are at the right place ! You will be working in an exciting, international environment and contributing personally to the company’s success. Expect exciting projects and versatile tasks, such as

/ Understanding the business needs and bringing solutions

/ Aims to have a career in Business Analyst & Project Management position in a multi-cultural environment

/  Ensure the performance of the existing and new cooking products fulfill the national and international standards also internal specifications

/ To support and perform  report cooking performance and cleaning tests of existing and new products according to related internal specifications and global standards 

/ To support projects for cost reduction and/or improvement of quality for cooking performance, to perform necessary tests in case of component changes 

Your Profile

 / Enrolling in the 3rd, 4th grade or master program in engineering; ongoing studentship is a must (preferably Food, Chemical Engineering)

/ Ability to work at least 3 days in a week

/ Excellent verbal and written English communication skill is a must

/ Passionate about state-of-the-art technologies and innovation

/ Reliable and independent working style as a team player, as well as having open-mindset, being self-driven and proactive

Your Benefits

/ Diverse career opportunities

/ Individual development programs and international perspectives

/ Working in global projects

Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/bsh-turkey-consumer-centricity-project-student-3329767


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