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Staj İlanları

BSH Turkey Staj – Master Project Student

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Your Responsibilities

Would you like to be a part of real working experience through high quality product design, efficient technology and an excellent working environment? Then you are at the right place! You will be working in an exciting, international environment and contributing personally to the company’s success. Expect exciting projects and versatile tasks, such as

/ Collaborate with local, regional and cross-functional teams

/ Taking place in projectsand supporting the team

/ Bring new ideas with your academic knowledge and extend the fundamental knowledge of business 

/ Engage with big teams and catch the opportunity to work at B/S/H/ after completing the program

Your Profile

/ Master Student fromthe Departments of EngineeringAdministrative Sciences, SocialSciences

/ Able to work for 3 days/week

/ Good command of English both written and spoken

/ Self motivated, good communication skills, good team player, good analytical skills

/ Aims to have a career in R&D, Production, Planning, DataScience,Supply Chain,Controllingorotherdepartments

Your Benefits

/ Diverse career opportunities

/ Individual development programs and international perspectives

/ Working in global, regional or local projects

Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/bsh-turkey-master-project-student-2484724


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