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Staj İlanları

Bunge Gıda San. ve Tic. A.Ş. Staj – Marketing Intern (6 Months Contract)

Kariyer Image


Main Responsibilities


Supporting Marketing team in terms of:


– Managing supplier registration and invoice tracking processes

– Create and follow-up PO numbers for related customers & events

– Assisting in the preparation of monthly market research reports

– Constantly communicating with social media agency and supporting the delivery of consumer complaints from social media to customer service

– Supporting marketing product and gift submissions 

– Preparing and tracking orders for product delivery

– Communicate with the BLT agency about the preparation of the requested designs and to deliver the designs to the required places


Knowledge & Competencies


 Fresh graduated from Related Departments (Engineering (Food, Industrial Engineer), Business Management, Finance etc.)

– Eager to work in a multinational company

– Willing to take role in a team work study

– Analytical thinking

– Advanced level of English

Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/bunge-gida-san-ve-tic-a-s-marketing-intern-6-months-contract-3319836


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