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Staj İlanları

Continental – IT Intern



  • Assist with help desk calls, scheduling, and support tickets
  • Support in the maintenance of hardware, software, and other systems
  • Assist in the maintenance of IT standards, both for the user and technical documentation
  • Assist in 1st level technical support and troubleshooting
  • Direct unresolved issues to the next level of support personnel
  • Perform basic end-user support to prevent customer service delays for basic technical issues


  • Undergraduate student or recent graduate in Computer Science, Informatics, or another relevant field
  • Good technical skills and aptitude to learn advanced technologies.
  • Analytical and problem-solving skills
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills in English
  • Positive attitude, highly motivated, proactive, and a team player

Başvuru için: https://toptalent.co/continental-it-intern-116191


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