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Sayfayı Paylaş

Staj İlanları

Continental – Supply Chain Specialist



  • University Degree in Business Administration, Economics or Engineering departments
  • Min 2 years of working experience in supply chain or data analyzing departments
  • Experience in manufacturing environment is a plus
  • Advance knowledge of MS Office applications especially in Excel
  • Working experience in Big Data will be an asset
  • Fluency in English
  • Excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Strong analytical and problem solving & negotiation skills, attention to details and high sense of responsibility

Job Description;

  • To analyze logistics, and inventory data to create, actualize, and refine the supply chain from design to shipment
  • To explore new technologies, developments and other logistics innovations in Supply Chain
  • To support in developing and implementing Logistics plans in line with corporate Logistics strategy in order to support the achievement of overall business objectives
  • To prepare management information reports in order to ensure that the management has the relevant information needed to support strategic decision- making

Başvuru için: https://toptalent.co/continental-supply-chain-specialist-114917


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