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d.ream (Doğuş Restaurant Entertainment & Management) Staj – Human Resources Intern

d.ream (Doğuş Restaurant Entertainment & Management)


We are looking for a Long Term Human Resources Intern

We’re looking for a teammate who has qualifications listed below and will work for the Doğuş Hospitality & Retail Group as “Human Resources Intern”


·       3th or 4th year university students,  

·       Excellent command of both written and spoken English,

·       Willingness and potential for learning and development,

·       Team player, dynamic & hardworking with enthusiasm, effective communication skills.

Job Description:

  •  Organize internal & external trainings within the curriculum,
  • Assist HR team with designing and executing development activities,
  • Other duties as assigned.


Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/d-ream-dogus-restaurant-entertainment-managemen-human-resources-intern-3203231


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