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Entek Elektrik – Project Assistant (General Application)

Entek Elektrik

 Why should you apply?

Being a Koç Group company, Entek Elektrik Üretimi A.Ş. launched its investments in 1995 and started up electricity generation at the end of 1998. As a hot prospect player in renewable energy sector in Turkey, Entek plays indispensable role in Koc Group’s green energy goals. You can be a part of this inspiring journey where the roadmap is to become carbon neutral by 2050.

There are “Development”, “Future”, “Career”, “Innovation”, “Imagination” in the journey of those who join Entek.


  • 3rd or 4th year student, pHd student or graduate student from a reputable university from Economics, Business Administration or Engineering Departments.
  • Will be able to work with us at least 3 days a week for 6 months,
  • Advanced communication, interpersonal skills,
  • Strong team working skills,
  • We are looking for candidates with strong cognitive and critical thinking ability.

By joining us;

  • You can have different experiences in our company which operates in rapidly changing and growing energy sector.
  • You can participate in Koç Group network and various working groups.
  • You can find continuous learning and development opportunities with technical trainings, leadership trainings, mentoring programs and personal development trainings to be specialized which pioneer in Turkey and the world.
  • You can have different rotation opportunities in Koç Group and Entek.
  • You can get to know many functions and develop different competencies by taking part in agile projects that you can participate in according to your interests.
  • You can work in a dynamic, diverse, collaborative, talented and high-performing team.
  • You can benefit from individual mentor and advisor support with development tools.
  • We care about the mental and physical health of our colleagues. You can take advantage of our online psychologist and dietician opportunities.
  • We embrace flexibility: Meet Entek x Flexibility! You decide where and when to work with hybrid or fully remote working model, flexible working hours and flexible working model.

Başvuru için: https://toptalent.co/entek-elektrik-project-assistant-general-application-116156


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