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Staj İlanları

İş Yatırım – Customer Experience And Data Analytics Specialist

İş Yatırım

Customer Experience And Data Analytics Specialist

IS Investment was established in 1996 as the investment banking arm of Isbank Group in Istanbul. IS Investment provides a wide array of financial services to local and foreign investors, including Corporate Finance, Investment Advisory, Asset Management, Institutional Sales, Market Making and Liquidity Providing.

We are looking for Data Analytics Specialists to join our team who will be responsible for data analysis and reporting with best-in-class solutions in terms of investment advisory.

What skills are we looking for?


  • Bachelor Degree in Engineering, Maths & Statistics and master degree is a plus
  • Advanced knowledge of analytical tool (SAS Enterprise Guide/Miner, SAS Base Coding, SPSS Modeler, pl/sql)
  • Advanced knowledge of modelling techniques (propensity analysis, segmentation, time series..)
  • Excellent command of analysis and data tools such as SAP BO, MS Access

Başvuru için: https://toptalent.co/isyatirim-customer-experience-and-data-analytics-specialist-2-118620


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