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Tiryaki Agro Gıda – Yeni Mezun Finansal Analist

Tiryaki Agro Gıda

New Grad Finance, Budget and Reporting Assistant

Who We Are:

With over 50 years of experience, we add value by processing rice and pulses, grains, feed and oilseeds, nuts and organic food products. Tiryaki is reliable, value-adding, innovative, and leading agricultural supply chain company in the industry and countries where we operate. We aim to leave a livable world to future generations.

Headquartered in Istanbul, Tiryaki has commercial activities in more than 15 countries across the world.

The Tiryaki Future Execution Leaders Program is geared towards developing individuals as future leaders in commercial aspects of the business.

The criteria we are looking for to start this adventure with us are;

  • New graduated from economy, business administration or similar majors.
  • Undergraduate degree from a reputable university,
  • Has an interest in Finance, Budget and Reporting departments or wants to improve yourself in these fields.


  • Fluent in English – additional foreign languages could be an asset,
  • Be able to use MS Office programs at an advanced level,
  • Open to development and learning,
  • Strong communication and presentation skills and prone to teamwork,
  • Analytical / data-driven, practical and solution-oriented,
  • Be attentive to details,
  • Be able to keep up with an intense and dynamic work pace.

Başvuru için: https://toptalent.co/tiryaki-agro-gida-finansal-analist-118683


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