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Staj İlanları

Hitachi Automotive Systems Group( CHASSİS BRAKES) Staj – Part-Time Intern

Hitachi Automotive Systems Group( CHASSİS BRAKES)


  •     3rd or 4th year undergraduate or master student in Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Mechanical or Industrial Engineering
  •     Proficiency in MS Office applications
  •     Excellent command of English in both speaking and writing
  •     Team worker, problem solver and decision maker
  •     Strong communication and analytical thinking skills
  •     Good in interpersonal relations
  •     Able to work minimum 3 days a week


  •     Employed trainee student will support department workflow and organisation.
  •     Following up defined duties in an innovative way.

Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/hitachi-automotive-systems-group-chassis-brakes-part-time-intern-2846220


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