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KOSAN KOZMETİK SANAYİ VE TİC. A.Ş. Staj – Flormarhype Internship Programme – Long Term R&D

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In Flormar, we’re on the way we challenge the status quo by acting differently, infusing meaning and creating emotions in our work. By being part of FlormarHype Programme , you will have the opportunity to be part of this journey and make a difference.
If you’re…

A 3rd ,4th grade undergraduate student or a graduate student studying in engineering, economics or business administration  departments of universities,
Animpact maker, who choosesthe way of innovationto adopt change and apply new ideas,
A real team player, who believes the team spirit to achievecommon goals,
A passionate explorer, who pushes the limits to find the best,
A dynamic decision maker, who decides quickly andacts immediately,
A guide of your own journey, who recognizes the responsibilities of what you create,
An ambitous runner, who wants to see the finishing line to haveresults,
Apply our Internship Programme for outstanding internship opportunities in R&D department.
Be one of our HYPERS!

Başvuru Yap: https://www.kariyer.net/is-ilani/kosan-kozmetik-sanayi-ve-tic-a-s-flormarhype-internship-programme-long-term-r-d-3324086


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